Below you will find a list of possible workshops. For more information or to book a workshop, please contact us.

Through theater games and movement exercises, participants will experiment with gestures, emotions and motion in order to use the whole body to perform different masks. Each person will also create their own mask. During longer workshops, we’ll think up short, humorous scenes and perform them.

Put an old sock or glove on your hand and viola–you have a wonderful hand puppet! All different kinds of hand and finger puppets will be shown and tried out so that participants can have an idea of how to make something their very own. For longer workhops, short scenes or fairy tales will be practiced and performed.
rod puppets
Try out our variety of rod puppets and then dream up and create your own.
This miniature kind of theater was very popular during the 19th century and in the last 20 years has made a big comeback. Using simple things like newspapers, old photos and magazines, construction paper and boxes, participants will create amazing mini-theaters where they can tell all sorts of stories, from the most modern to the oldest legends and myths still around today.

Shadow Theater is one of the most ancients kinds of theater and one that still fascinates people today. A wonderful aspect of shadow puppets and masks is that extremely complicated and complex figures can be made as well as amazingly simple but effective ones. That makes it good for all age groups. Come behind the screen with us and create incredible images and stories!

Lots of people have seen string puppets live or even owned a marionette. Many people also remember the frustration of terribly tangled strings! In our workshops, participants will try out different kinds of string puppets and even how to untangle them! Several different types of marionettes can be created from the simplest one-string „ball“ puppet or our beloved animal puppets to our more complicated scarf marionettes. With each kind, fun as well as learning is guaranteed (as proven by the many smiling faces of our workshop participants over the years)!

Let’s play! That’s the best way to start. Using movement games as well as specific theater games, participants will learn how to make theater in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
All kinds of puppets will be demonstrated and then tried out by the participants. Our own unique collection of puppets will then be designed and created together as well as performed at the end of the workshop.

We’ll make one of Saltamontes‘ favorites kinds of puppets from newspaper and masking tape, inexpensive and environmentally friendly! While teaching the technical aspects of the puppet, we’ll also encourage the students to be bold and create their own unique puupet. Aspects such as exaggeration and „less is more“ will be taught in regards to both the construction as well as the performance of the puppets.

Through theater games and movement exercises, participants will experiment with gestures, emotions and motion in order to use the whole body to perform different masks. Each person will also create their own mask. During longer workshops, we’ll think up short, humorous scenes and perform them.

ON STAGE: COMPLETE THEATER PRODUCTIONS (human actors and / or puppets)
Let’s make theater! After we’ve thought of a story or adapted one that we already know, we’ll work on the dialogue and scenes and prepeare ourselves for the stage by using theater games and exercises, both physical and mental. When the script is ready, each scene will be improvised until it’s created. Rehearsals, costumes, make-up, lights and advertising will all be part of the experience. Come try out the world of theater, both behind-the-scenes as well as onstage!