A Musical Experience for People of ALL Ages!
Based on „Songs for a Rainy Day“ this is not a typical theater show with a beginning and an end. People can drop by and stay as long as they like while Rosie and Brigitte regal the audience with Rosie’s favorites songs as well as the audience’s favorites. Of course, Rosie has her toys (i.e. puppets) with her and will need lots of help from the audience to make them come and alive!
This adventure can happen ANYWHERE, from horse arena to firehouse to swimming pool! It works well at events and festivals that have lots of things going on, making it easier for people to be able to come and go as they like.
Performers: Brigitte Graykastle und Amy Weinstein
Puppets: Amy Weinstein
Music: Brigitte Graykastle
Duration: 30 – 45 Minutes (often repeated about every 1.5 – 2 hours, depending on the event)
Stage Size: 2 m x 2 m
Type of Puppets: tabletop, rod and string
Set-up time: 45 minutes
Breakdown: 45 minutes