„That was so fun!“
Child after a performance of „Songs for Christmas“, 2017 Deggendorf GERMANY
„That was so interesting. Thank you so much.“
Parent after a performance at the Schule der Phantasie, Straubing, 2021 GERMANY
„Your professionalism and reliabitlity were remarkable. My students, all 500 of them, found your puppetry enthralling…“
Program Coordinator for LEARN, 2001 CT USA
„You are amazing! Thank you for creating such wonderfu programs for young people on behalf of the Building Bridges interdistrict program….I would encourage anyone interested in integrating litearature, technology, and the arts to work with Saltamontes…often and regularly. I look forward to working with you again next year and know that Building Bridges studetns feel the same way.“
Interdistrict Program Manager for LEARN, 2001 CT USA
„Thanks so much for visiting our school with the wonderful puppetry workshop. The students and teachers are still talking about it.“
Teacher at Washington School, 2002 CT USA
„I want to thank you for your time and presentation on Friday….The students were extremely engaged.“
Program Coordinator, EASTCONN 2002 CT USA
„…The program length and content were well-suited to this age group and the children enjoyed their time with Amy and her puppet family. I’d be pleased to recommend Amy and the Saltamontes Puppet Trhops for other educational venues. I look forward to working with her again.“
Enrichment Elementary School Coordinator, 2002 CT USA
„Thank you so much for your presentations….Your puppets and masks
were so interesting.“
Program Coordinator, EASTCONN, 2003 CT USA
„Thank you very much for adding your talents to this month’s 3rd Thursday Street Fest….your contributions increased everyone’s enjoyment of the evening.“
3rd Thursday Festival Organizer, 2004 CT USA
„The show was so delicate and fine.“
PUK International Puppet Festival Manager, 2006 ROMANIA
„The teachers and students love your program and I really want to see it happen again next year.“
Project Coordinator for LEARN, 2009 CT USA

„Everyone enjoyed your performance immensely.“
Boyscout Den Leader, 2000 CT USA
„I wanted to let you know how much we all enjoyed the performance you presented for the Umass Medical School Arts and Humantities Committee on January 18, 2000……Your selections of pieces was absolutely appropriate and delighted all those who attended.“
Chairperson, Art and Humanities Committee, 2000 MA USA
„Yesterday’s performance by Saltamontes Puppet Theater was very well received by our young audience…….Participants especially mentioned the wide variety of puppet styles you preseneted and the bilingual dialogue in their positive evaluations.“
Director of Education, New Britain Museum of American Art, 2001 CT USA
„Thanks you so much for coming and giving us a wonderful program on September 29…….(our) very large and very diverse Spanish-speaking population….were just thrilled to have you here. Hopefully we will have an opportunity to work with you again in the future.“
Children’s Librarian, 2001 CT USA